Herbal Erectile Dysfunction Red Capsule- Improve Male Enhancement-10 tablets/box
All Natural Sexual Performance Male Enhancement Pills No Side Effects
Red pill is a herbal plant used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. This is analogy version which is used for the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men. Red Pill increases the amount of blood passing to the penis.
Plant herb is a remedy medicine taken orally for the help to avoid erectile dysfunction (ED) in men.
Red pill can help you last longer by reducing your refractory period, which means that you can have sex again more quickly after you have orgasm.
Red pill helps you to get and keep an erection, so it can make you last longer in bed if you’re finding it difficult to stay erect during sex.
This product has been made by biology medicine research center, through extracting ant rich nutriment and made from unique medicinal effect extracts. It is an up-to-date product launched to market after it is through the success of the clinic experiment. With little side effects, rapid and long lasting effects, it is a popular man health care product. Those who suffer from hypertension, cardiopathy, or is after drinking alcohol can set their heart at rest to take it.
helps men to stimulate their sexual desire, reduce fatigue, build up confidence, and further maximize the pleasure with no harmful side effects that may possibly caused by western medicines.
improve sexual energy and has a powerful effect on the male libido.
Enhance male performance.
100% natural natural tonic, no side effect.
Popular Tibetan herbal male tonic and has a safe, strong & long lasting effect on both quality and strength of erections.
Helps men suffering from impotence to maintain controlled ejaculation.
Red pill is an ancient Tibetan pure natural herbal Super Remedy; It combines the powers of traditional Tibetan healing, unique herbs & natural ingredients.
Treat sexual dysfunction
Not affected by High blood pressure or Cardiovascular disease!
Each capsule lasts for 180hours in your body!
Fast erections as soon as you are sexually stimulated in 12hours!
1. Restores energy and reproduced blood, improves the kidney function
2. Solves impotence and the early ejaculation
3. Helps those who lifts but firm, lacks the ability to perform sex well, slow erection
4. Increases the size of penis, delay the time ejaculation.
Ingredients: Cordyceps; Ginseng; Snow lotos herb; Pantotrichum; Keel; Penis of deer; American ginseng, Prepared rehmannia root; Medlar and so on.
[Specification] 2500mg*10tablets/box
Usage:-Take 1 tablet an hour to 30 minutes before sexual activity.
Enjoy it with a cup of warm water, don’t take over 2 pills within 24 hours
Expiry Date: 25th Oct.2025
Olivia Resources Ltd makes no Therapeutic claims relating to the use of this product.
These are defined by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Please consult with your Health Care Professional before taking any dietary supplements,
especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a serious medical condition
or taking other prescription medication that may interact with this product.
Please make sure you aren’t allergic to this product.
Do not exceed recommended dosage stated on the bottle.
Genetics and lifestyle have an important part in the effects these natural herbs will have.
We are unable to guarantee that this will help everyone as its
100% natural and not classed as medicine.
As with all natural products some people may see more benefit than others,
very rarely some people may also see no benefit at all,
with the product making no difference.
Please take this fact into consideration before ordering.
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